Gold rams don’t actually need an elaborate tank setup, even though it might seem like they do. Some hobbyists even have success keeping a breeding pair in a 10 gallon (37.9 L) aquarium, though we recommend a minimum tank size of 15 or 20 gallons (56.8-75.7 L). Water flow should be minimal, but enough to keep the aquarium well aerated.
While not necessary, gold rams will appreciate some natural foliage in the form of live plants and other vegetation, just like the ecosystems they would naturally be found in the wild. They will also love having options between caves and other hiding places, especially if you plan on breeding them.
old rams are not hardy. Due to inbreeding, unideal breeding conditions, and other artificial enhancers, these fish cannot tolerate imperfect water quality or parameter swings.
These fish need to be kept in a mature and stable aquarium with 0 ppm ammonia, 0 ppm nitrite, and a traceable amount of nitrates. Water temperature should be slightly higher than most other freshwater tropical fish at a constant value between 78-85° F (25.5-29.0° C). Gold rams need softer and more acidic water, with pH between 5.2-6.7; it may be worthwhile adding tannins in the form of Indian almond leaves or another natural supplement to bolster immunity as well as to soften and acidify the water.
Are gold ram fish hard to keep?
Gold rams need stable water conditions, which can be difficult to maintain especially for beginners. Because of this and their already shortened lifespan, these cichlids are usually referred to as ‘expert only.’
Gold ram tank mates
Because gold ram cichlids are considered to be a dwarf cichlid and one of the more peaceful species of cichlid, these fish can often be kept in a community aquarium setting. If wanting to keep your gold ram in a community setting, it is best to have at least a 25-gallon tank (94.6 L) or more to allow for territories to be established; it will also help to add even more hiding spots for your rams to choose from to prevent aggressive interactions between species.
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