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The Pearl Gourami is one of the most stunning and peaceful members of the Gourami family, making it a great choice for medium to large community aquariums. While adaptable to various water conditions, they thrive best in soft, slightly acidic water. A well-planted tank with plenty of live vegetation, including floating plants to diffuse light, provides an ideal environment for them. Unlike many of their relatives, Pearl Gouramis are relatively calm, but they should be kept in groups with a higher ratio of females to males. Young fish can be sexed by examining their dorsal fins: females have shorter, rounded fins, while males have longer, pointed ones. Occasionally sold under the name Lace Gourami, their natural beauty means that domesticated varieties are rare, though gold or balloon forms are sometimes available.


Pearl Gouramis accept a wide range of foods, including standard flakes, green flakes, and frozen options like mosquito larvae, brine shrimp, and Mysis shrimp.


To breed Pearl Gouramis, prepare a shallow breeding tank with soft water, floating plants, and a temperature of around 28°C. Once the pair is settled, the male will build a bubble nest at the surface. Spawning occurs beneath the nest, where the male wraps around the female as she releases hundreds of eggs, which he fertilizes. The eggs float to the surface and are carefully moved into the nest by the male, who will guard them. At this stage, the female should be removed and returned to the main tank.

The eggs hatch after approximately four days, at which point the fry become free-swimming, and the male should also be removed. Feed the fry small portions of liquid food or infusoria multiple times daily, transitioning to baby brine shrimp after about two weeks. Perform small, regular water changes to maintain water quality, as fry are sensitive to waste buildup. It’s crucial to maintain a warm layer of air above the water surface to support the development of their labyrinth organ during their early weeks. Handle water changes with care to avoid disrupting this critical layer.

Pearl Gourami - Trichopodus leerii 8-9cm


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