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Pterophyllum Sp How hard are they to keep?We would class this fish as an easy care level.What is its maximum size?15cmWhere are they from?There are two species of wild angel, Scalare and altum. Both come from the central Amazon Tribuaries in Peru and eastern Ecuador. While both wild varieties are sometimes available, most angels available are farm bred Scalare. Over the years many colours have been bred.What are the ideal water conditions?Ideal water conditions are acidic to neutral, slightly soft to hardWhat do you feed them?They are omnivores and will eat a variety of foods. Feed a varied diet of frozen, freeze dried and flake foods.How compatible is it with other fish?Angelfish generally are peaceful but as they grow large they may eat smaller fish such as neon tetra and be nippy.How do you breed them?The sexes are not easy to distinguish. The best way is to look at the breeding tubes that extend from the vent, in males it is pointed and in females it is round. It is best to buy a group of young angels and let them pair off. With adult pairs it is best to keep them apart from other angels as they can become territorial. When in condition the female will lay eggs on large leaves or slate where the male will fertilize them. The pair will fan the eggs with their pectorial fins. The adults will often eat the eggs so commercial breeders remove the eggs at this time and use an air stone to create the movement around the eggs.

Gold Angelfish Pterophyllum scalare 3-5cm


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