Vampire Shrimp – Detailed Guide: Care, Diet, and Breeding
Written by Michael in Freshwater shrimp,Home,Invertebrates,Shrimps
Vampire shrimp (Atya gabonensis) or Gabon Monster Fan Shrimp is one of the freshwater shrimp common in West Africa and is first reported in Gabon. However, despite their enormous size and formidable appearance, they are not monsters at all. On the contrary, they are very peaceful and incredibly shy creatures.
Once acclimated, Vampire Shrimp are relatively easy to care for. Unlike most types of shrimp, they are filter feeders. It means that they filter microorganisms from the water column. Therefore, you will have to provide them with some kind of flow in your tank. Unfortunately, it is very hard to breed them. However, it is compensated with an extremely long lifespan.
The species is harvested on a small scale in northern Nigeria as well as elsewhere in West Africa. Atya gabonensis is in the list of threatened species.
Quick Notes about Vampire Shrimp
Name | Vampire shrimp |
Other Names | African Fan Shrimp, African Filter Shrimp, African Giant Shrimp, Vampire Fan Shrimp, Blue Rhino Shrimp, Gabon Giant Fan Shrimp, Cameroon Fan Shrimp, Armored shrimp, Monster shrimp and Blue Monster Fan Shrimp |
Scientific Name | Atya gabonensis |
Tank size (optimal) | 15 gallons (~70 liters) |
Keeping | Easy-Medium |
Breeding | Very Difficult |
Size | 12 – 15 cm (~5 – 6 inches) |
Optimal Temperature | 22 – 28°C (~70°F – 88°F) |
Optimal PH | 6.8 – 7.2 (6.0 – 8.0) |
Optimal GH | 6 – 20 |
Optimal KH | 2 – 15 |
Optimal TDS | 150 – 200 (100-300) |
Nitrate | Less than 20 ppm |
Diet | Detritivore /omnivore |
Temperament | Peaceful |
Life span | up to 10 years |
Color Form | Greyish, whitish, light blue to reddish-brown, strong blue |
Natural Habitat of Vampire Shrimp
Unfortunately, their natural history is not well-documented. All we know is that they inhabit mangrove environments in available boles, crevices and root masses of the Cross River system.