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Care level: Easy

Max Size: 25cm

Diet: Omnivore

Temp: 24-29°C

PH: 6.5-8

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The Geophagus Sveni is a gentle cichlid from South America. Unlike many other species of cichlids, they are a shoaling species that should be kept in a group of 5 or more individuals in a large aquarium of at least 300L. The substrate in the aquarium should be soft sand and quite deep as these fish are sand sifters. Rocks and bog wood will offer hiding places for the fish to retreat to if they feel threatened. Plants can be challenging due to the digging nature of these fish. We recommend epiphytes such as anubias and java ferns as they can simply be attached to rocks and woods, rather than grown from the substrate.

Filtration needs to be efficient as these fish are large and somewhat messy. The filter should turn the total tank volume at least 5 times per hour and partial water changes are recommended to keep the nitrate levels reasonable.

When choosing tank mates, avoid small fish as despite being a peaceful cichlid, they will still attempt to eat anything that's small enough to fit in their mouths. Larger Tetras, barbs and other peaceful cichlids like Severums as well as several larger catfish like Bristlenose.

Food can be offered in the form of sinking pellets and fresh or frozen fish foods. Avoid anything that floats as the natural feeding habit of this fish involves sifting sand.

Geophagus sveni 'Lucinda' 8-10cm


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