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moolenburghae is an active mid water swimmer and as such an aquarium with plenty of open spaces and planted areas at its margins into which they can retire in amongst during the night time hours, would go someway in making these small catfish feel secure. Tank mates should be chosen that are not too boisterous and are of similar or smaller in size. Fish such as Rasbora volcanus, Rasbora espei and Brachydanio kerri and bottom feeding catfishes such as Hara minuscula and Akysis maculipinnis would make ideal tank companions. Feeding; especially live food can be can be a little captivating due to the fact that when they are searching for food P. moolenburghi spreads wide its four pairs of barbels in such a way that it resembles an erect umbrella that has lost all of its cloth, and any food that the barbels comes into contact with is then very swiftly singled out and consumed.

Dwarf Glass Pangasius - pseudeutropius moolenburghae 5-6cm


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