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Care Level:Easy
Color:Red with a dark band from head to tail; males are brighter
Lifespan:5-6 years
Size:1-2 inches
Minimum Tank Size:25 gallons
Tank Setup:Planted community
Compatibility:Other peaceful fish

Cherry Barb’s scientific name is Puntius titteya and they are part of the Cyprinidae family. Carps and minnows are part of this family, as well as the Celestial Pearl Danio. It is actually the largest family of fish in the world with over 2000 species worldwide.

While the family may be thriving, these fish are at risk in the wild. Due to natural habitat loss and poaching their numbers are on the decline. One thing keeping their numbers stable is the aquarium trade where they are one of the most popular barb species.

These fish thrive in peaceful communities that match their peaceful nature.

Albino Cherry Barbs - Puntius titteya 3-4cm Large


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